Press releases

Rinse, wash, ready for analysis: Professional technology from Miele in everyday practice

Gütersloh, July 10, 2024 No. 082/2024
  • User stories from the hotel business, science and nursing homes

  • For greater efficiency and reliable hygiene

A luxury hotel, a renowned laboratory, two nursing homes: System and appliance solutions from Miele Professional are proving their worth in a wide range of industries. Four real-life examples illustrate the wide range of the portfolio that supports customers around the world in their day-to-day work. A look behind the scenes.


An indulgent programme for hotel guests under Greek sun

Guests booking a holiday in the Rocabella Santorini luxury hotel & SPA on the sun-kissed Greek island of Santorini are spoiled for choice: Shall we book a wellness spa, charter a yacht, or have our own private room transformed into a private restaurant? No problem, everything revolves around the guest and personal service is writ large. On board for the past nine years: Professional technology from Miele, providing clean laundry, reliably and fast.

Professional technology by Miele is needed to serve 42 non-smoking rooms, the indoor and outdoor pools, the SPA, the luxury yachts as well as the kitchen and the restaurant. For the Owner and Chief Executive Officer Georgios Kalfopoulos, there is simply no alternative to an on-premise laundry: 'Machines from Miele Professional supply precisely the quality we need at the time we need. As they never leave us in the lurch, even when there are mountains of laundry to get through, we often endearingly refer to them as our workhorses.' He is, above all, full of praise for the durability of the two washing machines and the ease with which they are operated, with load capacities of 18 kg and 20 kg respectively, and the matching dryers. For crease-free table and bed linen, a Miele flatwork ironer with a flexible heater plate is available which makes for many hours of reliable work, uniform heat distribution and hence an effective and smooth finish. And there is never any need to wait long for professional Miele service when it is needed.

Details such as a perfect laundry finish are high on the agenda. The Rocabella Santorini Hotel & SPA offering the best views of the Aegean Sea, the unique Caldera gulf and the Santorinian sunset is an impressive location for weddings where more than 1000 pairs have already celebrated their big day and tied the knot. Even cats and dogs are welcome and they, too, are spoiled: from a cooling mattress and select menus through to spa and fitness programmes. And to make sure stray animals do not miss out, the hotel's own vending machine donates food – for each plastic bottle returned by guests and others.


Analytically pure laboratory glassware for the University in Mainz

The Bio-Centres at the Johannes Gutenberg-University in Mainz count among the leading locations internationally for research in the life sciences. Investigations into biomolecules and living cells define the working day – most importantly requiring the highest standards of hygiene. For just more than a year now, seven lab washers from Miele have ensured a supply of analytically clean utensils.

As the bio-chemist Dr Bastian Hülsmann, head of the light microscopy unit in the Bio-Centres, stresses, even the most minute impurities can influence the outcome of research results. It is therefore vital that the central washing facilities for laboratory glassware meet the highest of standards. Bärbel Schmitt has devoted herself to this challenge and was also instrumental in setting up the facilities. The expert in the reprocessing of glassware explains that the entire premises, pipettes and vessels all subscribe to the strictest of purity standards. Furthermore, it is important to seamlessly integrate cleaning processes into laboratory activities. 'Our efficient organisation structure and the use of cutting-edge technologies creates the foundation for successful research in the field of life sciences', Bärbel Schmitt insists. In Mainz there is a particularly keen sense of the importance of research in the life sciences, Dr Bastian Hülsmann adds. The university research infrastructure, including a central glassware washing facility serving the Bio-Centres, creates the ideal conditions for future breakthroughs.

For those responsible, the Miele system fulfils all requirements. Two PLW 8617 large-chamber lab washers, two PG 8583 undercounter models and three PLW 6111 lab washers from the space-saving SlimLine model series integrate perfectly into the rooms available. All models feature crevice-free chambers and high-efficiency filter elements, which remove even the smallest particles and enable a germ-free environment. Depending on the various contaminations, the pump speed and hence the spray pressure can be increased or reduced – for residue-free pipettes, narrow-necked vessels or large-volume laboratory glassware. An integrated pre-heating tank reduces cycle times by around 15% compared with models from the previous generation. Furthermore, a recycling tank reduces water consumption by around 20%. Further benefits include loading and unloading at an ergonomic height and Miele ProCare Lab process chemicals, which are specially formulated for use on all Miele machines.

'We are proud to be able to support research in the field of natural sciences with our cleaning solutions', says Martin Lochner, Marketing Manager Laboratory, Medical, Dental with Miele Professional Germany. 'This allows us to make our own small contribution towards scientific advances – enhanced in future with new product features.'


Efficiency in the laundry of the Lavendio retirement home in Melle

With single rooms for up to 126 residents, a restaurant serving freshly prepared food, a wellness spa and other amenities, the Lavendio retirement home in Melle has everything necessary for the evening of one's life. The home belongs to a family company in Lower Saxony and was opened in autumn 2022 – and features an on-premise laundry planned and with machines installed by Miele. Two software solutions ensure everyday efficiency: Miele MOVE connects washing machines and dryers while Miele MOVE Clean+ facilitates the simple coordination of all processes relating to facility management.

'We invested in the latest technology in order to offer our employees attractive workplaces', says Managing Director Elvira Schulze. In the laundry, there are two washing machines, each with a load capacity of 20 kg and a dispensing system which automatically adjusts the delivery of liquid products, two dryers in the same size category, one of which is heated by hot water and therefore goes easy on resources, and three smaller machines for the reprocessing of mops and cleaning cloths. The layout allows plenty of space for sorting tables and an ironing station.

A highly innovative feature is the connection of washing machines and dryers to the Miele MOVE portal: It allows operators to see by glancing at a mobile device such as a smartphone or tablet when laundry is finished and how high consumption is in individual programmes. This saves time and money on a daily basis. 'As we now know how often and how long our machines are actually running, we can plan the deployment of our staff accordingly', says Elvira Schulze.

Miele MOVE Clean+, a second piece of software which can be used independently of laundry machines and configured to service the needs of age care institutions, perfectly complements the first. It sees cleaners and facility management as part of a network and simplifies and optimises workflows. For instance, all cleaning carts are fitted with tablets providing access to virtual rotas. If needs be, these can be updated fast. And if problems occur during cleaning – say a lightbulb needs replacing –, the utilities management team is informed with a tap on the screen, allowing work to be completed in next to no time.

'Even within just a few weeks, we noticed a significant reduction in our workload', says the mangeress, summarising her first impressions.


Commercial dishwashers for 7 living unit kitchens in the Katharina Luther Home

It has to be fast, be able to reliably dry feeding cups and other items of crockery made from plastic and still be quiet in operation to avoid disturbing residents during their meals: Marko Schmid, chief housekeeper at the Gütersloh Katharina Luther Home is very much in favour of reequipping seven living unit kitchens with Miele dishwashers designed for commercial use. The installation of three kitchens is already complete; the others will be finished soon, and even now, Schmid's verdict is already positive: 'All the dishwashers run at least ten times a day and have met our expectations.'

The home belongs to the protestant Johanneswerk charitable organisation. Since its inauguration in 1997, the home has been equipped with commercial machines from Miele – including the on-premise laundry. The central dishwashing facilities in the kitchen operate a passthrough dishwasher; dishes in the living units have also always been washed in Miele machines. 'It wasn't the geographical proximity to the manufacturer that clinched the deal', says the care home manager Maik Lotz. 'We have always opted for machines we could trust and which support us in our daily work.'

Each living group consists of around a dozen of the total of around 103 residents. Those who still get around, go along to the kitchen for their meals and take a seat at the large table. Between meals, the same table is a place for conversations and drinks. Each time round, clean glasses or cups are available, in full compliance with hygiene regulations which also rule out washing up at the sink. 'We always use the 65°C disinfection programme', the housekeeping manager explains. 'On the new models, the programme is done and dusted in only 5 minutes.'

The machines he refers to belong to the MasterLine generation which has been on the market since 2023 and operates on the proven fresh water system. Fresh water is taken in for each phase of the programme instead of repeatedly using water from a tank. This guarantees the reliable removal of 99.999% of most bacteria. For verifiable and above-average virucidal efficacy, the Institute for Integrative Hygiene and Virology – InFluenc_H – has awarded these machines its Virus Seal of Approval in Gold.

At the Katharina Luther Home, the dishwashers are often loaded with medication or feeding cups made from plastic – a material which normally demands the use of tea-towels. But the dishwashers in the renovated kitchen feature an active fan-assisted drying system. Marko Schmid has noticed that drying by hand is now a thing of the past: 'That's not only more hygienic: it also reduces the workload on our staff. As a result, the use of kitchen linen has also dropped.'

Company profile: Miele is recognised as the world's leading supplier of Premium domestic appliances, with an inspiring portfolio for the kitchen, laundry and floor care. The company also offers machines, systems and services for use in hotels, offices, care and medical technology. Since its foundation in 1899, Miele has lived up to its brand promise of "Immer Besser" in terms of quality, innovation, performance and timeless elegance. With its durable and energy-saving appliances, Miele helps its customers to make their everyday lives as sustainable as possible. The company is still owned by the two founding families Miele and Zinkann and has 15 production plants, eight of which are in Germany. Around 22,700 people work for Miele worldwide and the company's most recent turnover was 4,96 billion Euro. The company has its headquarters in Gütersloh in Westphalia.

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The stunning view of the Aegean Sea, the Caldera gulf and the sunset from the Rocabella's restaurant. (Photo: ROCABELLA Santorini Hotel & SPA)

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One of 42 tastefully furnished hotel rooms where the satisfaction of guests is writ large. Immaculate bed linen and soft, bouncy towelling is provided by the hotel's on-premise laundry equipped with the latest Miele technology. (Photo: ROCABELLA Santorini Hotel & SPA)

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Loading at an ergonomic height: Bärbel Schmitt heads the central facilities for the reprocessing of glassware in the Bio-Centres at the Johannes Gutenberg-University in Mainz and monitors wash results. (Photo: Miele)

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The Bio-Centres at the Johannes Gutenberg-University in Mainz count among the leading international research institutes in the field of life sciences. (Photo: Miele)

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Plenty of space in which to sort and iron laundry: Space planning in the on-premise laundry at the Lavendio retirement home in Melle was the responsibility of Miele – as was equipping the laundry with innovative technology and other accessories. (Photo: Miele)

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The Lavendio retirement home is located close to the centre of Melle and offers single rooms only to 126 residents. (Photo: Miele)

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Plastic crockery is almost always involved when Swetlana Kalininski loads the new MasterLine fresh water dishwashers from Miele in the Katharina Luther Home. As the machine features a drying system, there is virtually no need any more to use tea-towels. (Photo: Miele)

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The Katharina Luther care home is part of the protestant Johanneswerk and is located close to the centre of Gütersloh. It offers a home to up to 103 residents. (Photo: Miele)

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